HSK Study Deck Thoughts

I just saw that Pandanese has now released an HSK study deck as opposed to their “Classic Pandanese” deck. I think this is a fun idea, to gear specifically towards studying for the HSK exams.

But the fact that they’re charging an additional $5/month when I already bought the lifetime subscription for such a high amount, I think that’s quite ridiculous. Other thoughts?

I think the price is a bit steep, especially if someone has already bought a lifetime subscription, but the idea is solid, if people want to specifically practice for the HSK test.

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Yeah, exactly. Love the idea. But when I bought the lifetime subscription I assumed that I would have full access to everything that Pandanese supplied, instead of them starting to segment each of their products…

I see that Pandanese reversed their pricing decision (or the previous one wasn’t connected yet), but it looks like if you already have a subscription then you’ll be able to be subscribed to their new decks (we’ll see when they actually release one of them though). Anyways, looking forward to using them.

I also like that they’ve adding a lot more decks. The Xianxia & Wuxia is quite interesting, I didn’t know what those were, so I ChatGPT’d what it is. Here’s it’s description:

With a deck titled “Xianxia and Wuxia” introduced by Pandanese, it’s likely focused on teaching vocabulary relevant to these two distinct but related genres of Chinese literature. Here’s what one might expect in such a deck:

  1. Martial Arts Terminology: Given the central role of martial arts in both genres, the deck might include terms related to various martial arts styles, techniques, and philosophies.
  2. Historical and Cultural Terms: Words and phrases that pertain to ancient or mythical China, reflecting the common settings of Wuxia and Xianxia stories.
  3. Mythological and Fantastical Elements: In the case of Xianxia, vocabulary could include terms related to Taoist mythology, immortality, magical beasts, and spiritual cultivation.
  4. Character Archetypes and Titles: Common character types found in these genres, such as warriors, monks, immortals, and emperors, along with their respective titles in Chinese.
  5. Weapons and Artifacts: Names of traditional Chinese weapons, along with any fantastical or mythical items commonly featured in these stories.
  6. Philosophical and Spiritual Concepts: Terms related to Taoism, Buddhism, and other philosophical or spiritual ideas that often underpin the narratives in Xianxia and Wuxia stories.
  7. Action and Adventure Phrases: Vocabulary relating to adventures, battles, quests, and other dynamic aspects of these genres.

This deck would be particularly interesting for learners who are fans of Xianxia and Wuxia literature or films, as it would provide them with the language tools to better understand and engage with these genres.

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