Let's share progress!

I did around 15 reviews today. I remembered reading ye for 业 from mnemonic! :joy:

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I did 23 reviews today


Cool. I had around 15 reviews today.

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I had 25 reviews today

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44 reviews. I got lazy on weekends, but I remembered a lot surprisingly!!

My review after one delaying week


Wow, you have done so much reviews!! which lesson are you on currently?

I’m in lesson 4

Vào 08:48 T.3, 07 Th8 2018 Nao pandanese@discoursemail.com đã viết:

got some new learns today

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Cool. do you have any tips?(to beginners):grinning:

Actually, it is very slow to me, and I started learning in Pandanese 3 months ago. In my experience, I prefer learn new words with a sentence than a single word. I think Pandanese should add exampe with it’ s word.

Vào 10:30 T.3, 07 Th8 2018 Nao pandanese@discoursemail.com đã viết:

I actually thought learning/reviewing more than 20 cards at once seems a lot to remember…:sweat_smile:
Yeah, I agree. it would be nice to learn with example sentence

I had 6 new cards to learn and 9 cards to review.

Hello, my name is Vick. I am enjoying learning Chinese radicals, characters and vocabulary words. One of the harder radicals to distinguish are the ones for knock and go. They look so similar, they are hard to distinguish.

Hello, having fun learning Chinese radicals, characters and vocabulary words!

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got 35 new learns today

awesome!! I had 27 reviews, but still on lesson 1…

It’s been a while to review…I had 7 cards to review!

just started and this is how it looks:

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Hey, thank you for sharing!!
I had only 5 cards review today.